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Free Report Helps First-Time Massachusetts Home Buyers Save Thousands of Dollars

Boston, MA (PRWEB) March 3, 2010 — Brooks Brokerage, LLC, a Boston-based real estate brokerage, has released a new report for first time Massachusetts home buyers: 7 Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make – And How to Avoid Them.

Written for Massachusetts home buyers, the report covers the costly mistakes first-time buyers make – and how they can save thousands of dollars by understanding about the home-buying process.

“We have found,” said Jeffrey Brooks, President of Brooks Brokerage, “that first-time home buyers often receive erroneous advice from well-meaning family members and friends. For example, a couple buying their first home might be advised to forgo title insurance – a decision which can spell financial disaster. In addition, many consumers do not know that they can walk away from a home purchase if they feel pressured to sign a loan they didn’t agree to or if the terms of the loan are different from what was stated on the Good Faith Estimate. We want first-time home buyers to have the facts they need to purchase their dream home – and save thousands of dollars in the process.”

The full-color, 16-page report explains each home buying mistake in detail – as well as how to avoid each one. First-time Massachusetts buyers will learn why they should hire licensed certified home inspectors, how not to fall prey to auction or foreclosure hype, and their rights as consumers.

The report also lists common real estate terms and procedures and why first-time buyers must understand the ins-and-outs of a real estate transaction before they purchase their first home. Included with the report is a checklist of items home buyers should consider before house hunting as well as an explanation about the difference between a mortgage broker and a mortgage lender – and how a mortgage broker can often obtain a more advantageous loan for a buyer that he or she would receive from a bank. The report can be downloaded from the Brooks Brokerage site: